Writing Stack Guide
Starter Stack
Clone the stacks repo and use the sample stack as a starter:
git clone https://github.com/h8r-dev/stacks.git
cp -r stacks/sample my-stack
cd my-stack/
Define Actions
Under plans/
folder, define actions (example) to setup your environment:
dagger.#Plan & {
client: {
filesystem: {
// ...
env: {
// ...
actions: {
deps: docker.#Build & {
// ...
test: bash.#Run & {
// ...
build: {
run: bash.#Run & {
// ...
contents: core.#Subdir & {
// ...
deploy: netlify.#Deploy & {
// ...
Refer to Core Actions and CUE libraries for more information.
Define Inputs
Under schemas/
folder, define input schema (example) to interact with users.
Create a file first:
touch schema.yaml
Then, add the schema to the file:
- title: application name
description: Name of your application
default: gin-vue
required: true
- title: kubeconfig
description: Path to your kubeconfig file
type: "path"
default: ~/.kube/config
required: true
- title: github personal access token
description: Your github access token
type: "secret"
required: true
Run It Using hln
After you have created your stack, run it using hln:
hln up -i --dir my-stack/
Input any values that you want to pass to your stack.